NHS Acute (Hospital) Trust Catchment Populations

Understanding the population that a hospital supports is an important part of service planning and healthcare provision. Hospital provider trusts do not have geographically defined boundaries for their client population nor do they have all encompassing lists of registered patients. The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has published modelled estimates of the catchment populations for hospital provider trusts in England. These experimental statistics show catchment populations and give estimates for the number of people who are using each hospital trust or have the potential to do so.

Further details of the methods are available on the last page of the dashboard or on the OHID National Health Intelligence KHub site (registration required). Once registered the Hospital Catchment Populations has a dedicated page in the wiki.

Geography: NHS Trust

Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

External link: Microsoft Power BI

Published profiles: Interactive only from the link above