End of Life Care Profiles
The end of life care profile has been designed by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) to improve the availability and accessibility of information and intelligence around palliative and end of life care. It provides a snapshot overview across multiple geographies in England, to support commissioning and planning of local services. The core aim is to provide information for improvement, not judgement.
Factsheets are also available for local areas, based on the data available from the main profile tool
Geography: CCGs and Upper/Lower Tier Local Authorities in England
Organisation: National End Of Life Care Intelligence Network
External link: Palliative and End of Life Care Profiles - OHID (phe.org.uk)
East Sussex Care Home Factsheet: East Sussex End of life care home fact sheet January 2024| fingertips.phe.org.uk
NHS Sussex ICB Factsheet: NHS Sussex ICB fact sheet January 2024 | fingertips.phe.org.uk
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