Sussex Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Population Needs Review - 2020
Published by NHS Sussex, this review builds on previous partnership Joint Needs Assessments across Sussex (East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton and Hove) and brings together a wealth of available data sources on ethnicity at national, regional and local authority level, in order to draw an overview of the BAME population needs. It contains data on resident population and social determinants, including employment, education, housing and life style data. It also looks at health data from national surveys and local secondary healthcare providers, and at COVID-19 data from ONS and local data sets. Further, it includes local data on BAME workforce across NHS and Local Authorities.
The purpose of this document is to examine current health, care and well being needs of the BAME population across Sussex; to understand the geographical and social impact and wider determinants of BAME health and its intersectionality with race, age, gender, with discrimination and disadvantage. Some of the challenges in producing this report were time and capacity during the current health and care challenges of a pandemic but more so the lack of routine and timely ethnicity data at local level.
Link to report: Sussex-BAME-Population-Needs-Review.docx.pdf (
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