MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK
MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK.
The MBRRACE-UK programme of work involves continuing the national Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD)and national surveillance of late fetal losses, stillbirths and infant deaths.
In addition the programme will also include a series of themed topic-based confidential clinical reviews of serious maternal and infant morbidity, and stillbirths. As near-miss events and cases of serious morbidity are more numerous than deaths, lessons can be learned quickly and improvements in care can be instituted more rapidly following their investigation.
A range of reports are available at the link below.
Geography: National
Organisation: MBRRACE-UK
External link: MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK | MBRRACE-UK | NPEU (ox.ac.uk)