Growing Community Resilience in East Sussex 2014/15

This annual report focuses on how we can build resilience by growing the assets of wellbeing across East Sussex. Assets are any factor (or resource), which enhances the ability of individuals, communities, and populations, to maintain and sustain health and wellbeing and to help to reduce health inequities. This includes the skills and capacities of the individuals, the formal and informal networks and associations, the institutions, the land and other physical assets within a community.

It looks at how we can identify, better understand and support development of existing and potential new community assets. It focuses on identifying the key features of asset-based approaches and how we can make further progress in a sustainable manner. It initially focuses on describing what an asset based approach involves and how it is different from focusing on deficits in the current services and support people receive. It describes how individuals can play a significant role in increasing community resilience. The report describes how systematic processes can be used to support this work and monitor its impact particularly in developing sustainability.

Based on a review of the evidence, this report recommends further work to enhance community resilience which seeks positively to develop, harness and mobilise the assets, capacities and resources available to individuals and communities to enable them to gain more control over their lives and circumstances and to meet primary prevention, health, wellbeing and social care support needs.

The second part of this report sets out a relatively new way to measure the wellbeing and resilience of communities. It describes a tool – Wellbeing and Resilience Measure (WARM) – that has been designed to support local agencies and communities to better understand, plan and act. WARM provides a way of understanding and identifying an area’s strengths, such as levels of social capital, confidence amongst residents, the quality of local services or proximity to employment; as well as vulnerabilities such as isolation, high crime, low savings and unemployment. The tool identifies these factors using routinely available information.

WARM has been calculated for East Sussex at ward and district and borough level and also modelled at clinical commissioning group and GP practice level. All the WARM maps at ward and GP practice level are available to download as separate documents above.

The report concludes by summarising the approach outlined in the report and, drawing on the evidence and best practice, looks at the ways in which the skills, knowledge, connections and resource of individuals, communities and organisations might best be captured, harnessed and strengthened. The report makes ten recommendations for supporting community resilience in East Sussex.


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Resource Date

February 2014