Dementia Profiles

Welcome to the dementia profile. This profile has been developed to support the work of the Dementia Intelligence Network (DIN) in providing health intelligence with which to inform the provision of care of people in England who have dementia. Further products produced by the Neurology & Dementia Intelligence Team in PHE are available here   

This dementia profile shows indicators arranged into six data domains: 

  • Prevalence 
  • Preventing well 
  • Diagnosing well 
  • Living well 
  • Supporting well 
  • Dying well 

Indicators in the dementia profile are shown at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Strategic Transformation Partnerships (STP)/ Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and Local Authority geographies and give local commissioners and providers the information they need to benchmark current practice against other CCGs, STP/ICS, local authorities and England. Data and metadata are available online and as a download document.

Geography: Upper tier Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England

Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

Published link: Dementia Profile - OHID (

Downloaded profiles: Not available


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