
Local resources

End of Life Briefing

This briefing will focus on current local and national mortality statistics in comparison with recent years.

December 2021

End of life care, Mortality, Older people

Local Briefing icon Local Briefing

Extreme Temperatures and Health briefing

This briefing aims to describe the impact that extreme temperatures, both cold and heat, have on the health of East Sussex residents in terms of emergency hospital admissions and mortality.

April 2024

Mortality, Health care, Environment

Local Briefing icon Local Briefing

Improving Healthy Life Expectancy in East Sussex

This briefing outlines what we mean by healthy life expectancy and why it is important; what HLE looks like and what drives HLE nationally and locally


Life expectancy, Mortality, Health Inequalities, Population figures

Local Briefing icon Local Briefing

Healthy Ageing data pack for East Sussex

The productive healthy ageing profile provides data and further information on a wide range of topics relevant to our health as we age.


Older people, Mortality, Adult social care

Local Briefing icon Local Briefing

National resources

Mortality Profiles

This tool brings together a selection of mortality indicators from other OHID public health profiles, in order to make it easier to assess outcomes across a range of causes of death.

Mortality, COVID-19

National Profile icon National Profile

Excess Mortality in England and the Regions

Excess mortality in these analyses is defined as the number of deaths throughout the pandemic that are above the estimated number expected.

Mortality, COVID-19

National Profile icon National Profile

End of Life Care Profiles

The end of life care profile has been designed by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) to improve the availability and accessibility of information and intelligence around palliative and end of life care.

End of life care, Older people, Mortality

National Profile icon National Profile

MBRRACE-UK: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK

Reports and analysis from confidential enquiries and audits relating to the deaths of Mothers and Babies

Maternity, Births, Mortality, Children and young people

National Profile icon National Profile

Child and Maternal Health Profiles

National profile containing local data on health and wellbeing of pregnant women, children and young people including child health profiles.

Children and young people, Maternity, Births, Children's services, Education, Teenage pregnancy, Long term conditions, Accidents, Immunisation, Health care, Mortality, Oral health

National Profile icon National Profile