Health care
Local resources
Cancers in East Sussex
This document is a high level review of the published epidemiological information on common cancers and how this relates to the health needs of the East Sussex population.
May 2019
Cancer, Health care
Local Briefing icon Local Briefing
Prostate Cancer Briefing
This briefing pulls together the latest available data relating to Prostate Cancer nationally and in East Sussex.
May 2023
Cancer, Health care
Local Briefing icon Local Briefing
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Needs Assessment
This comprehensive needs assessment covers Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
September 2016
Mental health, Needs Assessment, Children and young people, Health care
Needs Assessment icon Needs Assessment
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
This comprehensive needs assessment covers all aspects of community pharmaceutical services in East Sussex.
October 2022
Pharmacy, Needs Assessment, Health care
Needs Assessment icon Needs Assessment
Sexual Health Needs Assessment
This comprehensive needs assessment covers all aspect of sexual health services used by residents of East Sussex.
July 2019
Sexual health, Needs Assessment, Health care
Needs Assessment icon Needs Assessment
Multi Morbidity East Sussex Briefing
Multi-morbidity can be defined as where a person has two or more long term health conditions.
January 2019
Long term conditions, Health care, Older people, Multi Morbidity
Local Briefing icon Local Briefing
Extreme Temperatures and Health briefing
This briefing aims to describe the impact that extreme temperatures, both cold and heat, have on the health of East Sussex residents in terms of emergency hospital admissions and mortality.
April 2024
Mortality, Health care, Environment
Local Briefing icon Local Briefing
State of the County - Focus on East Sussex
The report sets out the context and provides an overview of the latest position in preparation for more detailed planning for 2025/26 and beyond.
August 2024
Population figures, Housing, Deprivation, Environment, Employment, Education, Children's services, Health care, Adult social care
Local Briefing icon Local Briefing
Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) Needs Assessment
This comprehensive needs assessment covers Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
August 2021
Carers, Children and young people, Children's services, Disability, Education, Health care, Learning disability, Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment icon Needs Assessment
National resources
Maternity Services Statistics Dashboard
Maternity Statistics for 2022/23 for providers in England
December 2023
Maternity, Health care
National Profile icon National Profile
NHS Acute (Hospital) Trust Catchment Populations
This tool helps to understand the potential populations who may access hospital services in geographic areas surrounding NHS hospital trusts. Includes data on population demographics and patient flows at Lower Tier Local Authority level.
Population figures, Health care
National Profile icon National Profile
GP Practice Profiles for Patients
These profiles from OHID provide an overview of data that are important to general practice patients
Health care, Primary Care
National Profile icon National Profile
Dental Services Profile
Profile from OHID with Dental Services data at ICB level.
Oral health, Health care
National Profile icon National Profile
Productive Healthy Ageing Profile
This tool provides data and further information on a wide range of topics relevant to our health as we age.
Health Inequalities, Older people, Health care, Adult social care
National Profile icon National Profile
General Practice Profiles
In addition to viewing individual practice profiles, you can view summary profiles for CCGs. Each practice can be compared with the CCG and England.
Health profile, Health care, Primary Care
National Profile icon National Profile
Vision Profiles
These profiles from OHID bring together population rates across the whole eye pathway.
Vision, Long term conditions, Disability, Health care
National Profile icon National Profile
CQC Local Authority Area Data Profiles
These profiles focus on the care pathway for people aged 65 or over living in each local authority area.
March 2020
Health profile, Adult social care, Older people, Health care
National Profile icon National Profile
Child and Maternal Health Profiles
National profile containing local data on health and wellbeing of pregnant women, children and young people including child health profiles.
Children and young people, Maternity, Births, Children's services, Education, Teenage pregnancy, Long term conditions, Accidents, Immunisation, Health care, Mortality, Oral health
National Profile icon National Profile