Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles

The Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles have been developed by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and Office for Heath improvement & Disparities (OHID) to support local authorities, public health leads and other interested parties to monitor the sexual and reproductive health of their population and the contribution of local public health related systems.

Interactive maps, charts and tables provide a snapshot and trends across a range of topics including teenage pregnancy, abortions, contraception, HIV, sexually transmitted infections and sexual offences. Wider influences on sexual health such as alcohol use, and other topics particularly relating to teenage conceptions such as education and deprivation level, are also included. 

Geography: Upper and lower tier local authorities in England

Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

External link: Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles - OHID (

Published profiles: SPLASH East Sussex 2023-02-01 (


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