Perinatal Mental Health Profiles

This profile is designed to support planners, providers and stakeholders to plan services, undertake needs assessments and benchmark against similar populations. It brings together available metrics around mental health in pregnancy, the postnatal period and babies aged <1 year.

As data on this topic is limited, the profile makes best use of available metrics and includes items which are relatively new or experimental. Please consider data quality - each metric is scored for quality and caveats are noted in the definitions.

The profile includes metrics at local authority, CCG, and Acute Trust level. Metrics are organised across five domains:

  • Demographics
  • Risk & related factors
  • Prevalence
  • Identification & access
  • Quality & outcomes – currently empty and not displayed in first release

The profiles will develop and expand as more data comes available. There are several important data developments currently underway, including: outputs from MHSDS; Maternity, MHSDS and IAPT data linkage; and improved coverage of the maternity services data set, including reporting by CCG

Geography: Upper tier Local Authorities, CCGs and acute trusts in England

Organisation: Public Health England (PHE)

External link: Perinatal Mental Health - OHID (

Published profiles: Available interactively only from link above