Inclusion Health Data Pack for Sussex

The South East OHID Inclusion Health Integrated Care System (ICS) Datapacks are intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for inclusion health groups in the South East region. Six datapacks, one for each ICS area in the SE, present an initial overview to support systems to understand need in their area and provide a resource including data and summaries that can be taken out and used as required, as well as be further developed by local Systems.​
For each inclusion health population group, the key messages for systems are presented, followed by an overview of health issues and available data. The end of each section includes links to further resources and organisations.​

Geography: NHS Sussex Integrated care Board (ICB)

Organisation: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

External link: Homelessness and inclusion health network webinars 2023-24 - Welcome (

Direct link to profile:


Health Inequalities Equality groups National

Resource Date

December 2023