Health Assets Profile

The Health Profiles online tool

The Health assets profile has been produced to help local authorities undertake an asset based approach to health and wellbeing. Specifically the data presented in the tool can be used in local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and provide a focus on assets.

The Health Assets profile has been developed by PHE’s Local Knowledge and Intelligence Service to support local authorities in assessing the level of health assets or protective factors that influence health in their area.

Indicators were selected during a process of focus groups, stakeholder surveys and ultimately the availability and robustness of the data. They recognise there may be many other indicators that could be included and will look to review the tool in the future.

This tool is an ongoing project and will continue to be developed over time. As such, some sections of the tool are currently more developed than others. PHE would be happy to hear from you to inform its development: you can email if you have any feedback.

Geography: Upper tier local authorities in England

Organisation: Public Health England (PHE)

External link: Wider Determinants of Health - Data - OHID (

Published profiles: Interactive only from the link above


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