General Practice Profiles

These profiles are designed to support GPs, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local authorities to ensure that they are providing and commissioning effective and appropriate healthcare services for their local population.

In addition to viewing individual practice profiles, you can view summary profiles for CCGs. Each practice can be compared with the CCG and England.

Using a variety of graphical displays such as spine charts and population pyramids, the tool presents a range of practice-level indicators drawn from the latest available data, including:

  • Local demography
  • Quality and Outcomes Framework domains
  • Cancer Services
  • Child health
  • Antibiotic prescribing
  • Patient satisfaction

The profiles do not provide an exhaustive list of primary care indicators, but they do allow a consistent approach to comparing and benchmarking across England.

Profiles are generated for all practices in QOF 2017/18 with a list size of at least 750 patients and for other practices if they had according to NHS digital in April 2018 a list size of at least 750 patients and there is valid GP patient survey data for the practice.

Geography: GP Practices and Clinical Commissioning Groups in England

Organisation: Public Health England (PHE)

External link:

Published profiles: Individual GP Practice profiles are interactive and downloadable from link above