Cancer Services Profile

The Cancer Services profile tool contains data at general practitioner (GP) practice, primary care network (PCN), sub-integrated care board (sub-ICB), integrated care board (ICB) and at a national level, collated by the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS). 

The profiles are for commissioners and health professionals to use when assessing the impact of cancer on their local population and making decisions about services. They include data on cancer incidence and screening, diagnostic services, Two-Week Wait (TWW) referrals, emergency presentations and admissions.

Profiles are generated for all practices in QOF 2021/22 with a list size of at least 1,000 patients and for other practices if they had according to NHS Digital in April 2022 a list size of at least 1,000 patients and there is valid GP patient survey data for the practice. 

Geography: GP Practices and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in England

Organisation: National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN)

External link: Cancer Services - OHID (

Published profiles:  Interactive only from link above


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