Cancer Data Dashboards
The National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) collects, quality assures and analyses data on all people living in England who are diagnosed with cancer. It is part of the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) in NHS Digital (NHSD).
All cases of cancer diagnosed and treated in the NHS in England are registered by NCRAS. This creates a clinically rich data resource that is used to measure diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for patients diagnosed with cancer. The data held by NCRAS supports service provision and commissioning in the NHS, clinical audits, and public health and epidemiological research, all of which contribute to improved outcomes for those diagnosed with cancer.
A range of dashboards are available including:
- Incidence and Mortality
- Survival
- Prevalence
- Routes to Diagnosis
- Stage at Diagnosis
- Treatment
Geography: Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS hospital providers in England
Organisation: Public Health England (PHE)
External link: CancerData
Published profiles: Interactive only from link above
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